Grab Bag

There’s just a random collection of things to share this week.

Reading: Simple Justice by Richard Kluger (history about Brown v. Board of Education) and Miss Buncle novels (fun)

Eating: corn on the cob and every fruit

Thinking about: my next writing project (Which project do I choose? How long will I spend each day working on it? Who is my audience? How will I find the solitude to do it?)

Looking back over the month of June: We got through all the doctor checkup appointments and wisdom teeth extractions. I hiked more than I have in years. We finished and ordered 50 copies of my dad’s book.

Watching: a broad variety of things, mostly with Mark, who is also a cinephile. If you like biography, the Garth Brooks documentary on Netflix was interesting and inspiring. For kids, we liked Luca and The Mysterious Benedict Society on Disney+. Richard and I enjoyed The Terminal with Tom Hanks.

Listening to: Elmer Bernstein’s To Kill a Mockingbird soundtrack; Josh Groban (His duet, Both Sides Now, with Sara Bareilles is really good, but it’s impossible for me to sing along); silence.

Relieved about: the dogs behind our house are gone.

The sounds of their panting and long-nailed feet as they scrambled down rotten deck stairs when they heard me open the back door were nightmarish. But the barking was terrifying.

Wondering: if this blog is worth anyone’s time.

Inspired by: the people of Ammon in the Book of Mormon (Alma 26; 27:10, 29-30) What acts of courage are required of me? Also, Doctrine and Covenants 67 is a beautiful formula and foundation for staying true to the faith: trust the Creator, don’t focus on flaws of leaders, don’t fear, don’t be prideful and jealous. God will reveal himself to you as you are humble. Continue in patience.

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I write so my family will always have letters from home.