What I might have missed

If I had canceled the Relief Society presidency meeting like I wanted to, because I was tired, we wouldn’t have gone through the names of the sisters in the ward. If we hadn’t gone through the names, one by one, we wouldn’t have thought to visit a sister yesterday, and we would have missed out on one of the most remarkable visits ever. During the visit, the woman told us some of her life story, which I would never have guessed, all around the theme of God being involved in her life.

I came away from the visit with a few lessons.

  1. Everyone has a story, and it needs to be shared. Write your stories for your families! Don’t wait until you are old.
  2. You can’t always gauge a person’s faith by appearances.
  3. The Lord directs the work of Relief Society. How else would we have known to go to this home?
  4. My counselors and secretary are inspired. They are the right ones for the job.
  5. Connection can only happen when we show who we really are.

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I write so my family will always have letters from home.