
1-DSC_1448Paige painted this heritage painting showing how our ancestors got here and important monuments of their faith. She painted the Mayflower, the San Juan Bautista Mission in California, the St. George Temple, and a handcart.

There are many interpretations for Malachi’s words about the hearts of the children turning to the fathers. One way to interpret this phrase is to focus on how our hearts feel when we realize what our ancestors have given us. My heart almost feels like it’s shifting or turning inside when I feel the joy of knowing my ancestors.

Last week I found a journal that belonged to my great-grandmother that I had misplaced. It was Cerie’s journal of their trip to Sweden in 1957. She describes the personalities of people I only know by name and a snapshot or two. I wish I had found it in time to include some of her observations in the history I wrote last year. But that’s the nature of family history. You are never done. Our stories go on and on and there many heart-turning moments waiting to be discovered.

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I write so my family will always have letters from home.

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