Los Alamos

1995 Los Alamos-001Dear Richard,

We were darling in 1995 and living in Los Alamos, NM. When was the last time we reminisced about that lovely place and time?

The canyon views as we drove to work each morning were gorgeous. Remember meeting for lunch at the lake and reading that silly book Heaven Only Knows aloud? Remember how we would hike a new trail every weekend? The Red Dot trail was unforgettable for lots of reasons, and it was on the Pipeline Trail that we decided that we’d spend our wedding money to buy a computer… I think it had 75 megabytes of RAM and a 1 gigabyte hard drive?! We had a goal to play tennis on Wednesday nights and each evening after making dinner we’d sit down together and watch Coach. I tried to watch an episode of that a few years ago and I couldn’t remember why we liked that show so much.

One day we traveled to Santa Fe so you could take the GRE and I locked the keys in the car and we had to use a hanger to unlock the door. Gasoline cost $1.30 at the station all summer long. One of my favorite memories is the time we drove to Santa Fe to buy a piece of strawberry pie.

Remember when we played violin and piano duets at the Chamberlain’s house all evening while they were away? What about that camping trip in the thunderstorm when everything got drenched and we huddled together on the small island in the center of the tent  through the night?

My memories of that time feel like mountain air, mixed with a bit of sunlight from our window on Sunday afternoons after church and the swell of grandeur in those views of the Rio Grande and mountain trails.

Those were sweet days. I thought I loved you then, but that was just the beginning.



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I write so my family will always have letters from home.