Too soon

This photo was taken of me and Mark several months ago, but I’m pretty sure this is what I looked like last night after a very long and strenuous week. Teaching 3 grades, playing violin for the stake choir, putting on a pack meeting, keeping house, and hauling, lifting, and organizing for the art class on Friday wore me completely out.

Plus, I’ve been reading. Oh, do I have to admit what I’ve sunk my straggly extra minutes into? No, I don’t. But it rhymes with,

“Too soon.”

(It was such an indulgence that I should have at least bent the spine on the cheap paperback.)

This Saturday is simply over too soon. Errands, shopping, reading and practicing have devoured my plans to clean this house.

And now I’m off to play violin for a crowd. Wish me well.

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I write so my family will always have letters from home.