Looking Back, Looking Forward

(photo by Susan)

My dad shared with us at his birthday party that this is also the 50th anniversary of his baptism. He joined the Church as a teenager, and was the first member to join the Church in his family. He said that there are decisions that have the power to alter the course of your life, and this decision to be baptized has made all the difference in who he is, and what his family has become.

My sister Sarah presented him the Harris family Bible from the 1800’s that our family commissioned to be restored. The leather binding is intact and beautiful again. As he looked through the pages of family names listed in the Bible, it was a central moment, surrounded by the new generations and looking backward to ancestors, all who have or will be influenced by his decision to be baptized.

Sometimes little things like this remind me of what is really important. It all comes down to lists of names in a Bible,  the dear ones surrounding us, and the decisions we make to stay true to the faith.

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I write so my family will always have letters from home.