Spring Lake Easter Egg Hunt


Timothy really loves games. Paige and Daniel took some time to play with him. Hello, vacuum!
Coloring eggs in Grandma’s craft room
Remember the tags that I embroidered? Here they are attached to their baskets.


1-DSC_2739 1-DSC_2749 1-DSC_2750 1-DSC_2752 1-DSC_2757 1-DSC_2762 1-DSC_2764 1-DSC_2766 1-DSC_2767 1-DSC_2768 1-DSC_2769 1-DSC_2770Memories of General Conference, my parents’ mission reunion, and the Easter egg hunt at Spring Lake add some sparkle to my Monday morning thoughts. Mark told me that he wanted to give Easter gifts this year. He and I taught the cousins how to make their own wash cloth bunnies, complete with googly eyes and pom pom noses and tails. Oh, those crazy cousins. Mark didn’t want to to part with them after building forts and bunnies, playing in the Secret Garden, reading the funnies in the library, and having all the soda he could drink.



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I write so my family will always have letters from home.