Sleep sweet, nor fret


Today we entertained lots of neighborhood kids at our house. Late in the afternoon, my next door neighbor, Maria brought me some lemonade. We sat in my living room and dressed Barbies with the kids.

The day was full of small blessings like that. It’s remembering these comfortable blessings that makes all the difference when I look back over my day, which was truly a mixture of successes and shortcomings, good and bad news. I’m wrapped in a soft shawl and I feel peaceful.

I have loved this poem for years. I just discovered it is part of the Association of Unity Churches Home Blessing. I couldn’t find the author’s name. It matches my mood tonight.

My heart, The sun hath set.
Night paths With dew are wet.
Sleep comes Without regret;
Stars rise When sun is set.
All’s well. God loves thee yet,
Heart, smile, Sleep sweet, nor fret.

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I write so my family will always have letters from home.