Law of the harvest


My Seminary Students on the last day of class, May 2001

I was a volunteer seminary teacher from 1998-2001 in Austin, Texas. We didn’t have a place to meet, so we met in our home. One room of the house was roped off as a seminary room and my own children slept through most of it. My first year, I taught Doctrine and Covenants and Church History to three students (D&C 18:10, 15-16). Year two I taught Old Testament; Year three I taught New Testament and my class grew to fifteen students. We held class from 6-7:00. One year we met at 5:45 a.m. Ouch!

I have to say that the sacrifice these kids made to come to seminary really set them apart from others their age. I was proud of them. I know they are blessed for their efforts.

Thursday is the wedding day for Cody, to be married in the Salt Lake Temple!  Jed became a father this month. I have seen students in the temple, said good-bye as they went on their missions, received lots of wedding announcements and I am always glad for updates on their college lives and work. Facebook: hallelujah.

Seminary: the toughest job I ever loved. Next to motherhood, of course.

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I write so my family will always have letters from home.