I was a Hunting Widow this week

Run, Bambi, Run!

Today after church I stood outside the building, apparently looking listless. The boys were playing in the bushes and Paige was in a meeting. Someone yelled from their car window, “Are you a widow this week?”

And I shrugged my shoulders. I hadn’t told many that Richard was gone. But I’m no good at hiding things. I was anxious to get home to see if he had made it back safely.

He noticed my clean house and my new haircut (Love him!) right away.

I missed him. The above are the creatures he “shot”… with a camera.

More on the hunting trip later.

How My Man Spent His Weekend

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My man made these today.

I just enjoyed their sweet whole grain goodness. Yes, he even ground the wheat to make the flour.

He also took the boys swimming this weekend so I could help set up a pinewood derby track.

He bought the wood for the Pinewood Derby trophies and took Mark shopping so I could set up for art class.

He changed the oil in the car.

He watched Mark during our art class on Friday and saw that Mark was on time for his portrait.

He set up a mailing list and website for a local club.

He helped me work on Grandma Ruth’s family tree.

He brought us food when we were hungry at the art class.

He got take-out for me on Friday night because we couldn’t go on our usual date (Paige was baby-sitting elsewhere).

He drove Paige to her YW activity in the wee hours of Saturday morning. (Paige went rappelling!)

He rocked Mark to sleep at church.

He is at church meetings tonight while I get to sit and do things that I want to do. He never complains about that!

He’s amazing.

If you’re going to be quoted…

Newspaper Richard

We’re not sure why Richard was quoted in this newspaper article, and why the author of the article omitted the line about the members of our church fasting (in addition to praying) for the Hess family. Richard had been in contact with this reporter about some other church business in the news and he had submitted photographs to be used by the paper. However, this is all the evidence of his work with this reporter. But I guess when all is said and done, if you’re going to be quoted in the paper, you’d better be saying something worthwhile, and I think he did just fine.

Looking for a worthwhile cause? Visit Team Ryan Hess or this blog post to find out how to help.

Back Yard Boys

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I feel some real satisfaction when I see my boys playing with army men outside in the dirt instead of watching t.v. or playing computer games. 15 minutes of computer time a day gives them plenty of outside play time.

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Richard is finishing up our rain gutters. And just in time for all the monsoon rain.

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Mark can do a somersault. Doesn’t it seem like it should be spelled “summer salt?”

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Since we put the trampoline in the ground, it gets a lot more traffic. All the boys love it.

Paige took these photos. I was tied to the stove, but it was nice to be able to say, “Hey, those boys are looking cute out there. Can you go take some photos?” and know that she would do a good job.

Princess Waltz

Dear Paige,

Since you have so many adoring fans, Dad decided to create this video of your Princess Waltz ballet number. This version was edited for content, as the original had too many babies screaming in the background. There are benefits to being the only daughter… you can have as many ballet lessons as you like. And fans, please note that Comments are Open on this post so you may request Paige’s autograph and congratulate Richard on his cinematography and editing prowess.

choreography by Michele Brady

Cause for Celebration

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Our Tomato vines produced their first ripe tomato! It was cause for celebration.

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The kids and I spent some time setting up a nice table under a big tent in our back yard.

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We prepared a Mexican food feast with homemade salsa, guacamole, and fruit salad…

First Tomato Party 005and desserts…

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Susie came, too.

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We enjoyed our dinner together outside.

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When it got dark, the lanterns lit up our night.

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We spread out the blanket and we listened to an audio book outside and tried not to think about possible rattlesnake attacks in the grass (Thus explains the psychotic look on my face…)

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Good night.

Captain Ross Returns!

Richard has been gone this week to a Stake Scout Encampment. (Thus the late-night-introspective-posts this week.) He is the high councilor assigned to the Young Men’s program in the Stake. He worked hard to help plan and carry out this camp. I just pulled out the laundry from the dryer and found this gem of a t-shirt. It’s got to be empowering to wear something like this. I need a female version. Pronto.

Scout Encampment Shirt back


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Daniel played his last baseball game last night and got two hits. One was a triple which brought 3 guys home. During warm-up, he completely destroyed this ball when he hit it. He played shortstop most of the time during the tournament because he is a quick thinker and knows where to get the ball to make the play.

Richard has worked hard with Daniel this season, taking him to the batting cages, practices, and games. It’s been a busy few months for these guys.

Today I will take the folding chairs out of the trunk of the van where they have been living for the past 3 months and we’ll have some more “home” time in the evenings, which is a good thing.



I spent the day running errands for a Stake Scout Camp. Being married to someone involved with Scouting is a big job.
The kids manage to find new treasures at the Scout office every time we go there. Today’s treasure was neon orange plastic boondoggle string. We didn’t buy it, but visions of many orange creations danced in Timothy’s head, entertaining him while I looked for merit badge stuff.
Norman Rockwell truly captured the vision and spirit of Scouting in his paintings. His art is moving to me.